
March 4, 2016

Target will roll out RFID price tags to improve inventory management

Target is an iconic Australian retailer dedicated to making fashion, style and quality affordable for the whole family.

Retail giant said once completed in 2016, launched the RFID in the retail industry’s biggest one of implementation.
Goal is turning to radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, to ensure that consumers have consistent access to cheap fashion commodity chains.
Retailers said in Minneapolis, is working with key suppliers, outfitting price tag and RFID smart labels, the target will be hoping to improve inventory accuracy and equity issues.
Kelly Jones, executive vice President of global supply chain operation objectives, announced in a blog post, saying that once completed, the implementation of RFID will become one of the biggest retail.
Jones said, the goal plan later this year launched a smart tag in a small number of stores, and eventually expanded to all stores in 2016, a period of time.
In addition to improving the store inventory, the goals expected, RFID has a certain influence its e-commerce business. Jones said, smart tags can help retailers to perform better placed in-store pickup, she said 15% of to buy online order.
“As our customers more and more online shopping we, they hope to have a seamless experience between digitized and stored,” Jones said. “As the adoption of RFID technology is a big step target is to ensure that we provide.”
Although target motivation using RFID is most likely in control rotational speed of the customer, announced that don’t come to the right target of poor lily Pulitzer cooperation high heels. In the gentle printing apparel production demand makes many consumers empty-handed and anger. The target company in the upside down part seems to have come from a strange inventory shortage of insight.

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